Showing posts with label java class. Show all posts
Showing posts with label java class. Show all posts

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Java defining a class

A Java class represents a user-defined data type. It acts like a template using which we can create multiple objects. The objects are like variables /instances of the data type represented by the class. To begin with you can think of a class as struct of C with the difference that a struct data type can have only data as members whereas the class can have data as well as methods as its members.

The general form of a class is

modifiers class <classname>
      <body of the class>

The body of the class can consist of data members as well as methods.
The general form is expanded below to show the fact that the class body can contain data members (variables) as well as methods.

modifiers class <classname>
modifiers type variable1;
modifiers type variable2;


modifiers type methodname1(parameter-list)
     <body of the method>

modifiers type methodname2(parameter-list)
     <body of the method>


