Friday, 29 May 2015

Object-Oriented Programming v/s Procedural Programming

All the programs consist of two elements: process and data.  There can be two different approaches depending upon whether our main focus is on processing or data. The procedural programming languages (C, FORTRAN, PASCAL, COBOL etc.) focus on the processing part i.e. they give more importance to “what is happening” in the system and less importance to data.

The object-oriented languages (Java, C++) focus on the data i.e. they give more importance to “who is being affected”. The procedural approach becomes less and less suitable as the programs become large and complex. The object-oriented programming languages were developed to overcome the limitations of the procedural programming languages. The object-oriented programs are relatively far less complex as compared to the similar programs written in procedural languages.

Object-oriented programs are organized around data (i.e. objects) and a set of well-defined
interfaces (public methods) to that data. Java is based on object-oriented paradigm. Java is almost pure object-oriented programming language. We have used the term “almost” as Java also supports Primitive Data Types due to performance reasons. The C++ is not a pure object-oriented language. C++ is an extension to C so it uses an approach, which is a mix of procedure-oriented approach and object-oriented approach.

The basic differences in the two approaches are summarized below:

(i) The object-oriented programs are data centric while the programs written in procedural
languages are process centric.

(ii) The object-oriented programs are organized around data (objects) so they model the real
world objects in a better way.

(iii) The degree of reusability and extensibility of code is very high in case of object-
oriented approach as compared to procedural approach. So code size is less.

(iv) The object-oriented programs are easier to maintain, as they are relatively less complex
and smaller in size.

(v) The object-oriented programs are based on the bottom-up design methodology while
the procedural programs are based on the top-down design methodology.

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