Saturday, 30 May 2015

Java Variables

Java has three kinds of variables:

  • Local variables
  • Instance variables
  • Static Variables

We have already discussed about local variables. Local variables are used inside blocks or methods. The other two types of variables (also referred to as data members) are defined within the class but outside any method/block.

1. Instance Variables

A class provides the data encapsulation by declaring the variables within the class definition. For example, in the class Box defined above, the variables width, height and length are instance variables. Instance variables are declared in the same way as local variables except that they are declared outside the methods.

An instance variable occupies the memory on the per-object basis. For example, if you create two objects of type Box using operator new then both the objects will have different set of variables corresponding to instance variables width, height and length.


The instance variables are initialized as soon as the object is created i.e. as soon as the memory is allocated with the new operator. The variables are initialized according to their types as shown in
the following tables.

For example, as soon as an object of type Box is created, the instance variables width, height and

length are initialized to 0 (Zero).

Accessing Instance Variables

The dot (.) operator is used to access the instance variables. The general form for accessing the
instance variables using the dot operator is:

<Object Reference>.<Variable Name>

Where <Object Reference> is some reference variable pointing to an object and <Variable
Name> is the name of an instance variable. For example, after creating an object of type Box and
storing its reference in the reference variable box, we can access the instance variables using dot
operator as follows:

box.width box.height box.length

Thus the way of accessing instance variables is very similar to the way in which we access the
members of structures in C or C++. But there is one significant difference. In C/C++, we can
access structure members directly as well as through pointers. But in Java program, we never
have access to an object directly. We always access an object through its reference. Thus the dot
(.) operator of Java is like -> operator of C/C++.

We can assign values to instance variables just like local variables as shown below:

box.width = 10; box.height = 20; box.length = 30;

We can use instance variables in expressions as shown below:

double vol =  box.width * box.height * box.length;

We can display the values of the instance variables, just like local variables as shown below:


Example: The following program demonstrates the concepts discussed till now.

1 class Box

2 { double width;

3 double height;

4 double depth;

5 public static void main(String args[])

6   { Box b = new Box();

7 double vol;

8 b.width = 10;

9 b.height = 20;

10 b.depth = 15;

11 vol = b.width * b.height * b.depth;

12 System.out.println("volume is " + vol);

13 }

14 }

Example: The following program provides the same functionality as the previous one but it uses
two classes: Box and BoxDemo. Here it is assumed that both the classes are defined in different
files: and It is also possible to define both the Java classes in one file.

1 class Box

2 { double width;

3 double height;

4 double depth;

5 }

1 class BoxDemo

2 { public static void main(String args[])

3    { Box b = new Box();

4 double vol;

5 b.width = 10;

6 b.height = 20;

7 b.depth = 15;

8 vol = b.width * b.height * b.depth;

9 System.out.println("volume is " + vol);

10  }

11 }

Compiling will generate Box.class file and compiling will generate
BoxDemo.class file. After compiling these two files you should run the BoxDemo class, because
it contains the main() method.
It is not necessary for both the Box and BoxDemo classes to be in the different source file. For
example, both the classes might be defined in the source file but compiling this file will
also generate two different classes: Box.class and BoxDemo.class.

Example: The pervious example is modified so that the classes and
belong to the package p1.

1 package p1;

2 class Box

3 { double width;

4 double height;

5 double depth;

6 }

1 package p1;

2 class BoxDemo

3 { public static void main(String args[])

4 { Box b = new Box();

5 double vol;

6 b.width = 10;

7 b.height = 20;

8 b.depth = 15;

9 vol = b.width * b.height * b.depth;

10 System.out.println("volume is " + vol);

11 }

12 }

To run the above program you should put both the classes in folder p1 in the working folder and
then give the following command from the working folder (parent of p1):

java p1.BoxDemo

The folder p1 will be created automatically (if it does not exist), in the working folder, if you
compile the above java files using the command:

javac  -d .

javac  -d .

Example: The pervious example is modified so that the classes and
belong to package p1 and p2 respectively.

1 package p1;

2 public class Box

3 { public double width; //instance variables

4 public double height;

5 public double depth;

6 }

1 package p2;

2 import p1.*;

3 class BoxDemo

4 { public static void main(String args[])

5    { Box b = new Box();

6 double vol;

7 b.width = 10; b.height = 20; b.depth = 15;

8 vol = b.width * b.height * b.depth;

9 System.out.println("volume is " + vol);

10   }

11 }

The folder p1 and p2 will be created automatically (if do not exist), in the working folder, if you
compile the above java files using the commands:

javac  -d .

javac  -d .

To run the above program you should give the following command from the working folder

(parent of p1 and p2):

java  p2.BoxDemo

Note that the class Box is declared public as it used in class BoxDemo that belongs to a different
package.  Similarly all the data members of the class Box are also declared public as they are
being accessed in class BoxDemo.

Also note that the class BoxDemo imports class Box so that it can use the class without
qualifying with the package name.

Example: Creating two instances of Box class
If you have two Box objects, each has its own copy of depth, width, and height. It is important to
understand that changes to the instance variables of one object have no effect on the instance
variables of another.

1 class Box

2 { double width; //instance variables

3 double height;

4 double depth;

5 }

1 class BoxDemo2

2 { public static void main(String args[])

3  { Box b1 = new Box();

4 Box b2 = new Box();

5 double vol;

6 b1.width = 10;

7 b1.height = 20;

8 b1.depth = 15;

9 b2.width = 3;

10 b2.height = 6;

11 b2.depth = 9;

12 vol = b1.width * b1.height * b1.depth;

13 System.out.println("volume is " + vol);

14 vol = b2.width * b2.height * b2.depth;

15 System.out.println("volume is " + vol);

16    }

17 }

2. Static Variables

Static variables are also declared outside methods/blocks like instance variables. But the static
variables make use of the modifier static before the data type. For example, the variable width in
the previous example can be made static variable if declared as:

static double width;

The static variables are global to a class and all of its instances (objects). They are useful for
keeping track of global states. For example, a static variable count in a class can store the
number of instances/objects of the class created in the program at any instance of time. The
objects can communicate using static variables just like C functions communicate through global

For static variables there is only one copy of the variable irrespective of number of instances/objects created in the program, which is shared across all the instances.

The dot (.) operator is used to access the static variables also. The general form for accessing the static variables using the dot operator is:

<Class Name>.<Variable Name>

Where <Class Name> refers to the name of the class in which the static variable is declared and
<Variable Name> is the name of a static variable. For example, if we declare the variables width,
height and depth as static then we can access them using dot operator as follows:




We can also access the static variables through object reference and dot operator as follows but any reference will point to the same copy:




Example: The following example illustrates that for static variables there is only one copy of the
variable irrespective of number of instances/objects created in the program, which is shared across all the instances.


The static variables are initialized as soon as the class is loaded/used. The variables are initialized with default values according to their types. The default values are same as those for instance variables.

1 class Box

2 { static double width;

3 static double height;

4 static double depth;

5 }

1 class BoxDemo3

2 { public static void main(String args[])

3    { Box b1 = new Box();

4 Box b2 = new Box();

5 double vol;

6 b1.width = 10;

7 b1.height = 20;

8 b1.depth = 15;


10 b2.width = 3;

11 b2.height = 6;

12 b2.depth = 9;

13 vol = b1.width * b1.height * b1.depth;

14 System.out.println("volume is " + vol);

15 vol = b2.width * b2.height * b2.depth;

16 System.out.println("volume is " + vol);

17  }

18 }

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