Thursday, 4 June 2015

Java implementing an Interface

Once an interface has been defined, one or more classes can implement that interface. To implement an interface, include the implements clause in a class definition, and then create the methods defined by the interface.

The simplest form of a class implementing an interface is:

modifiers class <class-name> implements <interface-name>


body of the class


The body of the class must provide implementations of the methods declared in the interface.

You can also add additional features in the implementing class.

The methods that implement an interface must be declared public. Also, the signature of the implementing methods must match exactly the signature specified in the interface definition.

Java does not support multiple-inheritance but it supports multiple interface inheritance i.e. a class can implement any number of interfaces as shown below:

modifiers class <class-name> implements <interface-1>, <interface-2>, ……..<interface-n>


body of the class


The implementing class must provide body of all the methods in all the interfaces otherwise it must be declared as abstract.

The implementing class may also extend a class and can implement multiple interfaces. The most general form of a class that includes the implements clause looks like this:

modifiers class className [extends super-class] [implements interface1, interface2...]





interface Callback


void callback(int x);


Following is an implementation of the Callback interface

class Client1 implements Callback

{ public void callback(int x)

{ System.out.println(“Client1: ”+x);



Notice that callback method is declared using public access specifier. When you implement an interface method, it must be declared as public. The implementing an interface method is like over-riding so we cannot decrease the visibility.

1. Non Interface Methods

It is both permissible and common for classes that implement interfaces to define additional members of their own. For example, the following version of client implements callback() and adds the method m1():

class Client2 implements Callback

{ public void callback(int x)

{ System.out.println("Cleint2: " + 2*x);


public void m1()

{ System.out.println("m1 of Client2");



2. Accessing Implementations through Interface References

You can declare variables as object references that use an interface rather than a class type. Any instance of any class that implements the declared interface can be referred to by such a variable.

When you call a method through one of these references, the correct version will be called based on the actual instance of the interface being referred to. This is one of the key features of interfaces.

The method to be executed is looked up dynamically at run time, allowing classes to be created later than the code, which calls methods on them. The calling code can dispatch through an interface without having to know anything about the “callee”. This process is similar to using a super class reference to access a sub class object.

Note: Because dynamic lookup of a method at run time incurs a significant overhead when compared with the normal method invocation in Java, you should be careful not to use interface casually in performance-critical code.

Example: The following example demonstrates invoking method via an interface reference variable:

interface Callback

{ void callback(int x);


class Client1 implements Callback

{ public void callback(int x)

{ System.out.println("Client1: "+x);



class Client2 implements Callback

{ public void callback(int x)

{ System.out.println("Cleint2: " + 2*x);


public void m1()

{ System.out.println("m1 of Client2");



class InterfaceDemo1 //Accessing implementation through interface

{ public static void main(String args[])

{ Callback c = new Client1();


Callback c1 = new Client2();



Client2 c2 = (Client2)c1;





Client1: 10

Cleint2: 20

m1 of Client2

Notice that variable c is declared to be of interface type Callback, yet it is assigned an instance of Client1.

Although c1 can be used to access the callback() method, it cannot access any other members of the class Client2. An interface reference variable only has knowledge of the methods declared by its interface declaration.

Thus, c1 could not be used to access m1() method since it is defined by Client2 but not by Callback interface.

3. Polymorphic Power of Interface Reference Variable

The following example demonstrates the Polymorphic power of interface reference variable:

class InterfaceDemo2 //Polymorphic power of interface reference

{ public static void main(String args[])

{ Callback c;

Client1 c1  = new Client1();

Client2 c2  = new Client2();

c = c1;


c = c2;





Client1: 10
Cleint2: 20

4. Partial Implementation

If a class implements an interface but does not fully implement the methods defined by that interface, then that class must be declared as abstract.


abstract class Incomplete implements Callback

{ private int x;

void show()

{ System.out.println(x);



Here, the class Incomplete does not implement callback() method and must be declared as abstract. Any class that inherits Incomplete must implement callback() or be declared abstract itself.

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